My resume using HTML and CSS

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     <head> <title> </title>



   <h2 align=center style="color:#0000FF" > RESUME</h2>

     <body align= center  background="/Users/ankitkumar/Desktop/2 semester /CSE326/Html\EpZL1LOW4AEmImF.jpeg" height =15% width=15%>

     <p align=center> <img src="/Users/ankitkumar/Desktop/2 semester /CSE326/Html/IMG_20190414_155610 copy.jpg" height=20% width=20%></p>


     <p style="background-color:darkgreen">



     <b style="color:#00FFFF">QUALIFICATION-</b> </br>

     10th with 10 cgpa</br>


     12th with 84%</br>

      currently pursuing btech(CSE)

      </br><b style="color:#00FFFF">TOP TECHNICAL QUALITIES-</b></br>

     Certified in form control in Excel from eduCBA</br>

     Certified in javascript for web development from udemy </br>

     Topper of the subject of physics in 12th board exam in my school with 95 out of 100</br>



     <b style = "color:#00FFFF">TOP EXTRA CIRICULAR  ACTIVITIES-</b></br>

     Participated in music competition in school by playing guitar </br>

     Participated in Save environment and represented my village school at district level in 2015.</br>

     Attended Yoga camp in the NCC for continuous 10 days and now expert in Yoga </br>

     Attended camp for 10 days  in GNE college Ludhiana and represented my school in that camp</br>

     Represented school in NCC for 2 year and specially on the occasion of sports day.

     </br>you can know more about me on my blogspot</br>

     <b style="color:#00FFFF">Plan for skill development in this academic year</b></br>

     To get master in the language such as the c, C++,Java and 

many more which is available in the academic year</br>

Want to achieve B and C certificate of NCC from LPU and for this I have already applied and  selected for NCC this year</br>

Develop my soft skill as well as build confidence for future </br>

Want to start my own business after this and for this I have already planned.

    <a style="color:#FFFFFF" href="">click here for my blog </a></br>

    <a style="color:#FFFFFF" href="">for instagram </a></br>

    <a style="color:#FFFFFF" href="">for twitter </a></br>

    <a style="color:#FFFFFF"  href="">For linked in </a></br>

    <audio controls> 

<source  align = up src="/Users/ankitkumar/Desktop/LPU /2 semester /CSE326/Html/The Scientist Violin Cover - Coldplay - D Jang.mp3"> type="audio/mpeg"/>

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    <video width="800" height="600" controls autoplay >

<source src="/Users/ankitkumar/Desktop/LPU /2 semester /CSE326/Html\Positive Thoughts.mp4" > type="video/mp4" / >

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